jordan pulse -
Ahmed Salama
The French government’s decision to ban the wearing of the abaya for female students in public schools, after banning the wearing of the niqab and the hijab, belies the claims of freedom and democracy in the country that claims to be a source of freedoms, rights, openness and development, to reflect its culture and change its ideologies immediately when the culture of the hijab appears, or more precisely the spread of Islam. In which.
France, which has always praised freedom, justice, equality, and democracy, today turns against its principles, fights Islamic culture and Muslims with claims of freedom and democracy, and imposes unprecedented restrictions on its Muslim community, which raises a question: Isn’t the hijab also a culture and civilization for others that it must recognize and respect? And, most importantly, how. They claim to be the civilization of freedoms and openness and do not recognize the civilization of the other and their freedoms?
The writer, academic, and strategic expert, Dr. Hassan Al-Barari, confirmed in an interview with “Rum” that this decision confirms the lack of respect for diversity and the democracy that they talk about, that it can wear what it wants and recognizes its right to do so, but it is clear that they respect that when it comes to the French themselves or the Christians who live in France, but when it comes to Islam and Muslims, they link it to what is called terrorism or Islamophobia.
He added: It is true that there is a legal text that legitimizes this, and French law prohibits the male or female student from displaying any religious or sectarian identity clothing, but the root of the law that drives them is fear of Muslims.
Dr. Al-Barari believed that the French government does not care much about the feelings of Muslims and does not give them weight. He added: We saw the newspaper that redrawed the offensive cartoon years ago, and the reaction when a young man killed the journalists, so the whole world gathered in France, and this matter was used as a cover to do more. From the restrictions on Muslims regarding aspects of life.
Al-Barari pointed to the manifestations of Islamophobia and fear of Islam in France and Europe in general, especially after the events of September 11, when the phenomenon of “fear of Muslims” increased.
He pointed out that there are many freedoms in France, but the problem when it comes to Muslim women’s dress code is that France is trampling on the idea of their freedoms, even if from their point of view the matter is legal. However, the French legislative councils have legislated a law that strips freedom from a large portion of the French people, who are Muslims.