Users complained that the “WhatsApp” application had problems with the service this morning, Tuesday, according to what was reported on social networking sites.
Users said that the services of 'WhatsApp' owned by the company 'Meta' suffered from partial disruption.
Although there has been no official response or acknowledgment from WhatsApp, there are reports that users are unable to send or receive messages on the messaging platform.
Users complained of a technical glitch, as sending and receiving photos and videos was stopped.
WhatsApp became the world's most popular messaging app by 2015, and has more than 2 billion users worldwide as of February 2020.
The WhatsApp application is currently working on a lot of secret changes to its application, which investigators at WABetaInfo revealed to modify this application to reveal the upcoming changes.
According to the British newspaper, The Sun, there are five big changes coming to the WhatsApp application, many of which are still under development, but others have passed the beta test. Includes, a new feature that allows creating links to join calls (beta), the ability to hide when you are online on WhatsApp (beta)
Features also include the ability to and share polls in group chats (beta), a new camera mode for easy video recording (in development), as well as the ability to save hidden messages (in development).
Users complained that the “WhatsApp” application had problems with the service this morning, Tuesday, according to what was reported on social networking sites.
Users said that the services of 'WhatsApp' owned by the company 'Meta' suffered from partial disruption.
Although there has been no official response or acknowledgment from WhatsApp, there are reports that users are unable to send or receive messages on the messaging platform.
Users complained of a technical glitch, as sending and receiving photos and videos was stopped.
WhatsApp became the world's most popular messaging app by 2015, and has more than 2 billion users worldwide as of February 2020.
The WhatsApp application is currently working on a lot of secret changes to its application, which investigators at WABetaInfo revealed to modify this application to reveal the upcoming changes.
According to the British newspaper, The Sun, there are five big changes coming to the WhatsApp application, many of which are still under development, but others have passed the beta test. Includes, a new feature that allows creating links to join calls (beta), the ability to hide when you are online on WhatsApp (beta)
Features also include the ability to and share polls in group chats (beta), a new camera mode for easy video recording (in development), as well as the ability to save hidden messages (in development).
Users complained that the “WhatsApp” application had problems with the service this morning, Tuesday, according to what was reported on social networking sites.
Users said that the services of 'WhatsApp' owned by the company 'Meta' suffered from partial disruption.
Although there has been no official response or acknowledgment from WhatsApp, there are reports that users are unable to send or receive messages on the messaging platform.
Users complained of a technical glitch, as sending and receiving photos and videos was stopped.
WhatsApp became the world's most popular messaging app by 2015, and has more than 2 billion users worldwide as of February 2020.
The WhatsApp application is currently working on a lot of secret changes to its application, which investigators at WABetaInfo revealed to modify this application to reveal the upcoming changes.
According to the British newspaper, The Sun, there are five big changes coming to the WhatsApp application, many of which are still under development, but others have passed the beta test. Includes, a new feature that allows creating links to join calls (beta), the ability to hide when you are online on WhatsApp (beta)
Features also include the ability to and share polls in group chats (beta), a new camera mode for easy video recording (in development), as well as the ability to save hidden messages (in development).
A glitch hits the WhatsApp application and causes the service to be suspended in most countries of the world.
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