jordan pulse -
Building a comprehensive and integrated social protection system that immunizes Jordanians from poverty and the danger of falling into it, and enables them to live in the goal of the National Strategy for Social Protection 2019-2025, which included four main axes: 1)
Labor market policies.
2) The axis of social insurance.
3) The focus of social services.
4) The focus of social assistance.
The strategy will end with the year 2025..Has it achieved its goals, or at least part of them..?!
Whoever monitors the implementation of this strategy, which has been officially launched for two-thirds of its specified period, will simply notice that poverty has widened among Jordanians and that the government has not been able to stop the spread of poverty among large segments of the people. Indeed, some of its policies and decisions have contributed to raising the rate of poverty and the number of the poor. With regard to unemployment rates, they have worsened, especially among university youth, and all the programs launched have not succeeded in curbing the worsening and dangerous mass of unemployment. The situation of social exclusion has also intensified, and the groups that suffer from social vulnerability have increased. As for the level of social services, it clearly declined, whether in the field of education or primary and curative health care, while a slight improvement was achieved in preventive health care. As for the levels of social protection, there has been a setback, as social insurance has begun to exclude certain groups of workers by legislation, and some have no longer enjoyed full insurance coverage, just as protection programs that empower individuals and families have not been implemented. With regard to the axis of financial and in-kind social aid, the government's eyes are still absent from societal groups that suffer most from deprivation without being included in official programs that enhance their capabilities and enable them to meet their basic needs of food, medicine, clothing, housing, and transportation.!
Can those responsible for implementing the strategy discuss the regression I mentioned.. and is this considered a success or failure of the beautiful strategy that the government recently learned to form a higher steering committee for it, while maintaining the formation of the coordination committee to follow up on its implementation.. all this after the strategy is about to decline. .?!
Journalist and human rights activist/ Musa Al-Subaihi